The Catholic Studies minor/concentration consists of six courses
One required course and five electives from a list of approved courses.
Core Course: Modern Catholicism (REL 313)
The core course (REL 313) fulfills the Post Freshman Writing Requirement as well as GER:HSCW. During the semester, the course benefits by visiting speakers and informal student discussion groups. Modern Catholicism is currently taught by Callie Tabor.Five Elective Courses
Five elective courses must be taken from the list below, with a maximum of two courses per department.
Art History
- ARTHIST 101 Art Prehistory to Renaissance
ARTHIST 231 Early Medieval Art
ARTHIST 232 Monastery and Cathedral
- ARTHIST 233 Medieval Buildings
ARTHIST 242 Italian Renaissance Art/Architecture
- ARTHIST 243 Early Renaissance Art/Architecture
ARTHIST 244 High Renaissance Art/Architecture
ARTHIST 259 Historical Perspectives on European art
- ARTHIST 339 Medieval Art History
- ENG 258 Introduction to Irish Studies
ENG 304 Chaucer
HIST 303 History if the Byzantine Empire
HIST 304 The New Europe
HIST 305 The High Middle Ages
HIST 306 The Italian Renaissance
HIST 307 Europe from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
- HIST 385 The Age of Religious Wars
- ITAL 171 Introduction to Italian Studies II
ITAL 270WR Introduction to Italian Culture and Civilization
- ITAL 376WR Medical Humanities: Medicine and Compassion
LAT 320 Medieval Latin
PHIL 300 Medieval Philosphy
PHIL 358 Philosophy of Religion
- REL 205 Biblical Religions
REL 209 History of Religions in America
REL 210 Jesus and the Gospel of John
REL 211 Western Religious Traditions
REL 270 Augustine and Aquinas
- REL 270 Christianity and Science
REL 270 Nuns and Nones
REL 270 Heroes, Martyrs, Cults in Latin America
REL 311 Early and Medieval Christianity
- REL 348 New Testament and Its Content
REL 350 Jesus and the Gospels
REL 351 Paul and His Letters
- REL 370 Saints and Sages
REL 372 Augustine and His Confessions
SOC 333 Sociology of Religion
Seminars And Special Topics Courses
(Students must seek prior approval before selecting any of the following courses)
ARTHIST 349 Renaissance Art History
ARTHIST 475 Seminar in Medieval European, Renaissance, and Baroque Art
ENG 190/ PHIL 190/ REL 190 Freshmen Seminars
ENG 489 Authors of Literary Movements
HIST 487 Junior/Senior Colloquium
PHIL 480 Seminar: Individual Philosopher
PHIL 482 Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 470/ REL 470 Joint Seminar
REL 356 Theological Reflection
REL 369 Religion and Film REL
387/ ENG 387 Literature and Religion
SOC 389 Special Topics in Sociology
Study Abroad
Summer Studies in Italy Program: May-June